This material has been cleared for public distribution by CDC and will be authentic if obtained directly from CDC takes all effort to assure the authenticity of electronically distributed documents. However, in instances where electronic and official agency record differ, the authenticity of the official agency record is controlling. The files in this subdirectory are electronic versions of the CDC journal EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES (EID). The goals of EID are to promote the recognition of new and reemerging infectious diseases and to improve the understanding of factors involved in disease emergence, prevention, and elimination. EID has an international scope and is intended for professionals in infectious diseases and related sciences. The journal is available in three file formats: ASCII, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), and PostScript (.ps). The ASCII version of the journal does not contain figures. Both the .pdf and .ps files,however, contain graphics and figures and are true representations of the hard copy of the journal. The Adobe Acrobat format requires an Adobe Acrobat Reader available at no charge. This reader is available in DOS, Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh versions and includes installation instructions. The files are located in pub/EID/adobe. The entire Volume 1, Number 2, April- June 1995 issue is available behind pub/EID/vol1no2 in the following files: Filename File Format ________ ___________ eid.vol1no2.pdf (1,160 K) - Adobe Acrobat (10,969 K) - PostScript eid.vol1no2.txt (155 K) - ASCII (does not contain figures) eid.vol1no2.gz (1,031 K) - Gzipped Postscript (1,015 K) - Pkzipped Postscript The entire Volume 1, Number 1, January-March 1995 issue is available behind pub/EID/vol1no1 in the following files: Filename File Format ________ ___________ eid.vo11no1.pdf (473 K) - Adobe Acrobat (4,529 K) - PostScript eid.vol1no1.txt (191 K) - ASCII (does not contain figures) eid.vol1no1.gz (827K) - Gzipped Postscript (820K) - Pkzipped Postscript To download individual articles, please view the toc.txt file for the table of contents. Other Ways to Access EID ------------------------ You can also retrieve EID electronically through the World-Wide Web (WWW) or electronic mail. WWW -- Mosaic Access -------------------- Launch your WWW Browser for the Internet and connect to the following address: Your WWW software will allow you to view, print, and retrieve journal articles. Listserver (E-Mail Lists) ------------------------- You may have the table of contents sent to your e-mail box by subscribing to EID-TOC. When you subscribe to this list, you will automatically receive the table of contents and will be able to receive individual journal articles by FTP or e-mail. You may also subscribe to one of three other lists, which will automatically send you the entire journal. However, because of the large file sizes of the journal and the complexity of sending the journal to different e-mail systems, it is strongly recommended that if you have FTP capabilities, you choose to access EID through FTP rather than e-mail lists. If you do not have FTP, you may have the journal sent to your e-mail box by subscribing to one of mailing lists below. Choose the list with the file type that best meets your computing environment. EID-TOC sends the table of contents and allows you to request individual articles. (highly recommended) EID-ASCII sends the journal in ASCII format. EID-PDF sends the journal in Adobe Acrobat format. You can get Adobe Acrobat Reader free by subscribing to this list. EID-PS sends the journal in PostScript format. To subscribe to a list, send an e-mail to with the following in the body of your message: subscribe listname (e.g., subscribe EID-TOC) Once you have requested a subscription, you will receive further instructions by e-mail. For more information about receiving EID electronically, send an e-mail to