付録 B. Installation Howto

This document describes how to install Debian GNU/Linux sarge for the IA-64 (「ia64」) with the new debian-installer. It is a quick walkthrough of the installation process which should contain all the information you will need for most installs. When more information can be useful, we will link to more detailed explanations in the Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide.

B.1. Preliminaries

If you encounter bugs during your install, please refer to 項5.3.5. 「バグ報告の送信」 for instructions on how to report them. If you have questions which cannot be answered by this document, please direct them to the debian-boot mailing list (debian-boot@lists.debian.org) or ask on irc (#debian-boot on the freenode network).

B.2. Booting the installer

The debian-cd team provides builds of CD images using debian-installer on the Debian CD page. For more information on where to get CDs, see 項4.1. 「公式 Debian GNU/Linux CD-ROM セット」.

Some installation methods require other images than CD images. 項4.2.3. 「インストール用ファイルのありか」 explains how to find images on Debian mirrors.

The subsections below will give the details about which images you should get for each possible means of installation.

B.2.1. CDROM

There are two different netinst CD images which can be used to install sarge with the debian-installer. These images are intended to boot from CD and install additional packages over a network, hence the name 'netinst'. The difference between the two images is that on the full netinst image the base packages are included, whereas you have to download these from the web if you are using the business card image. If you'd rather, you can get a full size CD image which will not need the network to install. You only need the first CD of the set.

Download whichever type you prefer and burn it to a CD.

B.2.2. Booting from network

It's also possible to boot debian-installer completely from the net. The various methods to netboot depend on your architecture and netboot setup. The files in netboot/ can be used to netboot debian-installer.

B.2.3. Booting from hard disk

It's possible to boot the installer using no removable media, but just an existing hard disk, which can have a different OS on it. Download hd-media/initrd.gz, hd-media/vmlinuz, and a Debian CD image to the top-level directory of the hard disk. Make sure that the CD image has a filename ending in ".iso". Now it's just a matter of booting linux with the initrd.

B.3. Installation

Once the installer starts, you will be greeted with an initial screen. Press Enter to boot, or read the instructions for other boot methods and parameters (see 項5.2. 「ブートパラメータ」).

After a while you will be asked to select your language. Use the arrow keys to pick a language and press ENTER to continue. Next you'll be asked to select your country, with the choices including countries where your language is spoken. If it's not on the short list, a list of all the countires in the world is available.

You may be asked to confirm your keyboard layout. Choose the default unless you know better.

Now sit back while debian-installer detects some of your hardware, and loads the rest of itself from CD, floppy, USB, etc.

Next the installer will try to detect your network hardware and set up networking by DHCP. If you are not on a network or do not have DHCP, you will be given the opportunity to configure the network manually.

Now it is time to partition your disks. First you will be given the opportunity to automatically partition either an entire drive, or free space on a drive. This is recommended for new users or anyone in a hurry, but if you do not want to autopartition, choose manual from the menu.

On the next screen you will see your partition table, how the partitions will be formatted, and where they will be mounted. Select a partition to modify or delete it. If you did automatic partitioning, you should just be able to choose "Finished partitioning" from the menu to use what it set up. Remember to assign at least one partition for swap space and to mount a partition on "/". 付録 A. Debian でのパーティション分割 has more information about partitioning.

Now debian-installer formats your partitions and starts to install the base system, which can take a while. That is followed by installing a kernel.

The last step is to install a boot loader. If the installer detects other operating systems on your computer, it will add them to the boot menu and let you know.

debian-installer will now tell you that the installation has finished. Remove the cdrom or other boot media and hit Enter to reboot your machine. It should boot up into the next stage of the install process, which is explained in 章 7. 新しい Debian システムを起動させる.

If you need more information on the install process, see 章 6. Debian Installer の使用法.

B.4. Send us an installation report

If you successfully managed an installation with debian-installer, please take time to provide us with a report. There is a template named "install-report.template" in the /root directory of a freshly installed system. Please fill it out and file it as a bug against the package "installation-reports", as explained in 項5.3.5. 「バグ報告の送信」.

If you did not reach base-config or ran into other trouble, you probably found a bug in debian-installer. To improve the installer it is necessary that we know about them, so please take the time to report them. You can use an installation report to report problems; if the install completly fails, see 項5.3.4. 「バグレポータ」.

B.5. And finally..

We hope that your Debian installation is pleasant and that you find Debian useful. You might want to read 章 8. 次のステップとそれから.